Friday, October 30, 2009

Red Emptyin'

Redemption, drawn shittily by shithead, October 2009.

On a semi-related topic, come and see OK; Peligro! next friday Nov 6th at Rhino Room, Frome Street, Adelaide. Doors are at 1opm, entry is 6 bucks and we're playing with Undefined & The Half-Pints (VIC) and we'll be playing up to TWELVE notes (music).

Smel(l)bourne Cup

Is it just me or does absolutely nothing we participate in on any large scale in this culture make sense?
We're munsters.
I'm betting on myself.

Drink Coffee & Destroy

Let's Call it Off, pencils and whatnots.

This is the house that caffeine built.
Apologies in full.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I, Noblog.

So what if I was a piece of shit for a while there and didn't update my site-page?

Let's Call it Love from the 'My Dirty Underwear' exhibition, Sep 22. Yeah, I know. I know...

More misc/ephemera to come soon.
This is K.